利用 5W1H發想雅思口說

🙆‍♀️Hi! 大家好。我是在「彭湘平英文」教授「托福預備班」、「托福正規聽讀」和「雅思 Leve1」 的Ruby 老師。今天想跟大家分享的是我怎麼指導雅思考生練習口說Part 2的。
Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop.
You should say:
➡what the service was
➡when and where it happened
➡whom you were together with
➡how you felt about it and explain why you think it was a good service
✅【學生答案】為了方便呈現,我把學生的錄音內容轉成逐字稿 (已經過該學生同意):
I would like to share a good customer service experience that I was trying to buy a fast pass ticket at Disneyland. Most of people go to Disneyland want to play more amusement rides, and me too. At Disneyland, if you don’t want to spend a lot of time to queue, you can use a credit card to buy a fast pass ticket on cell phone. Last month when I bought the fast pass tickets after I paid by credit card, the tickets disappeared. So I asked the staff on the road and he took me to the customer center and found who spoke Chinese to help me.
After dealing with the fast pass tickets, they gave me a small gift and let me choose to play a amusement ride without waiting. I would say that was the best service I experienced on Disneyland.
除了就發音和文法錯誤給予指正外 (比如說service的字母 i,他發音為 [aɪ],我指出應為 [ɪ] 才對),我也提供擴充內容的建議:
Part 2 只講了一分鐘,太短了!! 有很多細節可以說呀~
可以從 5W1H (Why、What、Where、When、Who、How) 來發想,例如:
➡Why? 為什麼要去Disneyland,因為你從來沒去過嗎?
➡What? 除了service 棒給你很好的體驗之外,你還有什麼收獲嗎?
➡Where? 哪裡的Disneyland? (我猜是日本)
➡When? 你有說是 last month,那你去了幾天? 在Disneyland 玩了一整天嗎,還是分成兩天玩?
➡Who? 你跟誰去的?
➡How much? 一張pass要多少錢?
➡How long? 如果不買pass的話,通常要等多久?
💛上述的「5W1H 思考法」很常用在各個領域來理清思路和提高溝通效率,發現並解決問題。不僅如此,在平常跟人對話時,無論是用中文還是英文,「5W1H 思考法」都可以幫助你跟別人更有話聊! 我自己也是用「5W1H 思考法」來評估學生的學習狀況和需求並給予建議。這樣好用的方法,試著用用看吧!
